Welcome to the Interclub Competition page! Thank you for your interest in this international photo competition for PSA member clubs. Each competition season consists of 3 rounds: in November, February, and April. Submission deadlines are November 5, February 5, and April 5.
Division Definitions
- NATURE DIVISION: ND emphasizes an honest, natural-appearing image of a nature story, emphasis on the nature story (think animal interactions). With rare exceptions, anything that shows “the hand of man” is not allowed. Looking over the updated specifics and judging guidelines is recommended: 2024-25 PSA Guidelines for ND.
- PICTORIAL IMAGE DIVISION is an Open division divided into Color and Monochrome classes. The minimal guidelines are nicely summarized here. There are no subject or processing restrictions other than no AI-generated elements. This includes “replace sky” options provided by software (i.e not taken by the photographer herself). Monochrome may only be Black and White or single-toned (e.g. sepia) images.
Instructions for Submitting Your Images
- PSA requires a signed and dated release, good for 3 years, verifying you as the sole maker and allowing them to publish your image on their website. You can’t enter without it. The form and instructions are found here.
- Any aspect ratio is acceptable but dimensions must not exceed 1920 pixels horizontal or 1080 pixels vertical (16:9 HD). Therefore, for most images, resize it to 1080 pixels vertical, then check that the horizontal dimension does not exceed 1920 pixels.
- You can submit 1-2 JPG images per category per round. No more than one of them may be selected for entry, however.
- File naming: Please use WCC’s standard for all competition and exhibition submissions: LastName_FirstName_Title (for example: Kodak_Joe_Delicate Arch) Titles should be descriptive and not exceed 35 characters.
- Any image that wins an award for a PSA competition can never be used again in that same division.
- In the event that you are a member of another club that also participates in PSA Interclub competitions, you are prohibited from using the same image for both clubs. PSA recommends confining competition entries to a single club.
- Questions? Contact Greg Smith, the PSA Club Representative.
Upload your images.
Click on the appropriate category (in red). You must be signed in to view links.
Round 1 Completed
Round 2 Closed
Round 3 Closed. Submissions open March 2025.
View WCC entries here.
View PSA website Award of Merit and Honorable Mention winning images here. (There can be a delay before they are posted)
2024-25 Results
Round 1 Scores

Score Tally

Club Standings