Thinking back on the halcyon days of January who would’ve guessed that we would be in this position now? A little over two months ago the camera club’s new website went live, the newly formed club Board of Directors were discussing workshops, field trips and exhibits for the year, planning for PhotoOp20 was in full swing, and I was just heading to Hawaii’s Big Island for some sun, surf, hiking, and of course photography. Now we are all practicing #SelfIsolation, #SocialDistancing, and #StayAtHome because of the #COVID19pandemic. Who would have thunked it?
Though, like seemingly much of the world, the Wasatch Camera Club is taking a hiatus, the Board members do not stop working. We have already had one virtual meeting and are scheduling a second one for April. On a personal note, along with long over-due painting, deep spring cleaning and garage clearing out, I have also been working on several photographic projects. Despite one of my photo trips already being cancelled (to the remote Mustang region of Nepal) and whilst awaiting the possible cancellation of others, I have not been stopped from (re-)visiting far off places: instead I have been going though my archives looking for photos that I have not processed and working on them.
Early on, one of the new website features that the Board discussed implementing was weekly blogging. I certainly didn’t think this inaugural post would be along these lines but as they say, it is what it is. This is hand we are currently dealt. So, of course, staying well and healthy is consideration number one. But, high up there on the list, we also need to work on staying positive and sane. As photographers I suspect that much of our activities will be focussed on projects and activities related to our premier hobby (or, in some cases, business). Therefore, for the interim, I suspect most of the Board members’ posts will be along the lines of things they are working on. I, at least, certainly intend to take that tack and already have a number of ideas in mind to write about.
So, you can expect to see at least weekly posts here (and hopefully more) and if there is anything you would like us to cover or comment on, please write to For now, I would like to share that we still are planning on moving forward with the Red Butte Garden exhibit “Natural Reflections” which is currently scheduled to open in early June. However, there is a possibly that the Garden — now closed through May — will still not open in June. If that happens we will just need to re-schedule the exhibit. More information will be forthcoming so stay tuned. In the meantime…What are you doing to pass the #CoronaVirusQuarantine time?
Jeff Clay
Board Chair (but not Chairman of the Bored!)