Discovering Culture: Exhibit at the UCCC

Discovering Culture: People, Places, and Perspectives from Countries Around the World” is a new exhibit in the Crescent Gallery at the Utah Cultural Celebration Center.  The intent was to concentrate displays of a rich set of photos from countries and regions that focus on the people, places, and events that express more about the cultures represented—and photos are grouped that way. 

Like our fellow photographers, we travel often and with purpose.  We all love to find culture at its richest—the things that help define a place and the people who live there. We let our cameras seek out the moment when a culture is revealed in any small way.  

This exhibit is the most robust ever installed at UCCC with close to 130 photographs—big and small.  The four Wasatch Camera Club members represented are Gaylan Nielson (also Project Director), Harte Nielson, Jeff Clay, and Mary Whitesides.  These photographers have all traveled extensively and made it clear that we could have doubled the size of this show with the missing pieces. 

Open now through February 25.