The Wasatch Camera Club is once again excited to work with West Valley Arts in co-sponsoring the highly popular biannual Utah Travels Photograph Exhibition. This photo exhibit features remarkable photographic images captured by Utahn’s during their diverse, global, travel experiences. The exhibit allows an opportunity for photographers — amateur to professional — of all ages to publicly present their most distinct travel photos and to share the stories of their experiences with a short descriptive paragraph. Images may represent destinations thousands of miles away or a few miles from home. Photos accepted into the exhibit will reflect the beauty, richness and diversity of people, events, nature, culture and all that celebrates humanity and planet earth. The show opens May 5th (with a reception that evening) and runs until June 29th.
When you register, you may upload up to 3 image files in JPEG format only. Please observe the required naming of the files: LastName_Firstname-ImageTitle.jpg. Please also keep the file size below 5MB and please do not submit entries from either 2018’s Utah Travels exhibit or 2020’s (When) Utah Travels (Again) exhibit.
There is no fee to submit your photographs, however there is a $10 per person participation fee if you are selected to be in the show (paid to West Valley Arts). Cash prizes for $100, $75 and $50 will be awarded, along with special recognitions.
If your image(s) is accepted into the show you will be asked to provide location, year the photograph was taken and to write a short paragraph about the image to help tell the story of the image. This could be descriptive or emotional or even technique-related.
For questions please contact exhibits@wasatchcameraclub.com