Trains, Planes, Automobiles and Other Modes of Transportation Call-For-Submissions


Event Details

  • Date:
  • Categories: Exhibits


The Wasatch Camera Club is pleased to announce an upcoming members’ exhibit to be displayed at the Ogden Train Station. Titled “Trains, Planes, Automobiles and Other Modes of Transportation” the exhibit will open with a reception on November 3 and close on December 3. The call for entry will begin September 1 and run through September 26. Photos should follow the transportation theme including vehicles on wheels, vessels on water and aircraft. Each photographer will be allowed to submit 3 images and the submissions will be curated and selected by October 1. There will be a maximum size requirement not to exceed 20” x 30” with a delivery deadline October 26 through October 31. Each accepted entry needs to be property printed, wired, and framed/presented in a professional manner. More information will be sent once your image is selected for the exhibit.

Wasatch Camera Club is excited for the opportunity to exhibit at the Ogden Train Station, a most appropriate venue for images of Transportation.

Details: we will be limited to 50 medium-sized (no larger than ~30″ on the long side) finished pieces and will be accepting up to 3 submissions per member. Also, please pay attention to the naming requirements as it has always been very time-consuming on our end to try and identify incorrectly named files. So, when submitting images your image files MUST be named in the following manner: last_name_first_name-image_title.jpg as in smith_jill-holiday_joy.jpg. Please also ensure that your files are no more than 5MB in size, that they contain NO watermarks, and are saved in the JPEG format. Sales are permitted at the venue and you will be asked for pricing prior to delivery of accepted images. The Ogden Train Station will take 30% commission.

Need help finding a print/framing vendor? We have a resource page for that: Vendors
(BTW: For this exhibit, Pixels is offering a 15% discount for club members on all finishing/framing services EXCEPT aluminum prints.)
Also, check out our Hanging Guidelines page.