The Art and Science of Light Painting with Scott Stringham


Event Details

  • Date:
  • Categories: Field Trips


Fourth time is a charm! Scott Stringham’s light painting fieldtrip is once again “on.” Same location — Stansbury Island — and same time, 6:00-10pm but now on October 1st. Scott is going to help us create awe inspiring images and teach us how to do light-painting on our own. This is an evening workshop for members only and registration is required. If you have already in the past registered for this event, you will need to re-register. Once you register, you will be sent an email with the exact location .

What to bring:
1) Bring a flashlight or headlamp-we are meeting an hour before sunset, and will likely be shooting until well after dark
2) It may be muddy – waterproof footwear may be a good idea
3) Bug spray
4) Warm clothing-it may be chilly and/or windy, especially after dark
5) Sturdy tripod-we will take long (over 30 seconds) exposures, so you will not be able to shoot hand held.
6) Remote release, cable release, or phone trigger- necessary to trigger your camera and to leave shutter open for extended time. Practice with your release and your bulb setting at home before going to this workshop so you are comfortable and ready to shoot.

This is the fourth time we are scheduling this workshop. Keep your fingers crossed for good weather. Questions before the workshop can be emailed to Dawn Griffith at On site, Dawn can be reached by phone at (801) 503-7400


PhotoS copyright scott stringham