Moving Water Photography at Bridal Veil Falls

Iceland | Gluggafoss

Event Details

  • Date:
  • Categories: Field Trips

Akaka Falls State Park
Hawaii | Big Island

Have you ever wanted to know how to take pictures of running water and have it come out looking misty and dreamy like the ones you see in fine art photos?  With this Bridal Veils Waterfall field trip we are going to practice and learn the tips and tricks of taking pictures of moving water. We will meet at the Bridal Veil View Parking Lot:

The gear you will need:

  • DSLR Camera
  • Tripod
  • Shutter Release Cable
  • Neutral Density Filters (if shooting in bright daylight)

I will bring handouts for everyone who shows to this event that lay out the basic steps for photographing water and here is a link one of the many websites I follow for great tutorials if you want to look up the information ahead of time.

Special note: For those who want to socialize and discuss the shoot and techniques, feel free to bring a lunch and/or snacks and immediately afterwards we will go to a nearby park within walking distance.


Photos copyright: Jeff Clay | Clayhaus Photography (not Bridal veil falls, btw)