iPhoneography and the Art of Mobile Phone Photography


Event Details

  • Date:
  • Categories: Field Trips


“The best camera is the one you have with you.”

Please join the Wasatch Camera Club on Tuesday, June 8 at 6:30 pm (MDT) as we welcome Gerald Hug for an information-packed Zoom meeting on making great images with your cell phone. Jerry has been a photographer for 50 years, and was a professional educator with a fine arts background. Recently he served as the Vice President and Public Relations Director of the Photographic Society of America, and is a Past President of Chicago Area Camera Clubs Association. He teaches workshops throughout the USA and Canada on iPhoneography and the Art of Mobile Phone Photography.

This will partly be a “hands-on” class, ranging from basic tips to advanced processing techniques using your phones (so don’t use your phone to watch the Zoom meeting). Although this meeting will concentrate on iPhones, Android users will also be able to participate. (See details below.)

To get the most from this workshop, Jerry Hug makes the following requests:

1. iPhone users need to check that they have the latest iOS 14.5.1 installed on their iPhones. Older versions can be a source of hiccups in using the apps.
2. Before the workshop, everyone will need to have installed on their cell phones two applications (apps): Snapseed and Touch/Retouch.
3. Part of the workshop will be “hands on” with everyone working on the same two images that are available below. These are problem images and great for teaching and learning. Please download them or otherwise transfer to your phone.

Additional recommended apps with be demonstrated, as will some phone accessories that Jerry likes and uses.

Registration is required and the workshop is for members only. Upon registration you will be sent an email with the Zoom link. Please retain this email in order to log into the presentation. A 13 page handout of speaker notes will be made available after the meeting. If you do not receive a confirmation email please check your spam folder and, if needed, send an email to workshops@wasatchcameraclub.com requesting the link.

Detailed Outline:

  • How to set your iPhone Camera and Photo settings for taking and saving your photos.
  • The New iOS 14.5 Native Camera Edits and how to use them.
  • Organizing and finding your photos with the Caption and Search controls. “Hands On” editing in the workshop.
  • Editing and using some of the hidden controls of Snapseed and Retouch apps
  • Other creative apps for combining images and using textures.
  • Introduction to taking real infrared black and white photos with either an iPhone 11 Pro or 12 Pro and 12 PRO Max.
  • Using night mode and LiDar tools in 12 Pro and ProMax.
  • Receiving 13 pages of my Speaker’s Notes.