The Exhibits Committee is pleased to announce the first exhibit of 2023. Entitled Global Joy: Festivals, Holidays & Celebrations Around the World this photographic exhibit will be hosted by West Valley Arts in the Crescent Gallery at the Utah Cultural Celebration Center. This show will feature images from around the world (including here at home!) focused on holidays, festivals and celebrations. Examples include the obvious such as Christmas, New Year’s Eve, Hanukkah but every culture, country and religion have their own. Think Chinese New Year, Day of the Dead and Cinco de Mayo in Mexico, Lantern Festivals in Taiwan and Vietnam, Matsuri in Japan the Hindu Diwali and the Holi Festival of Colors in India, and virtually countless more.
Details: we will be limited to 30 medium-sized (no larger than ~35″ on the long side) finished pieces and will be accepting up to 3 submissions per member. Also, please pay attention to the naming requirements as it has always been very time-consuming on our end to try and identify incorrectly named files. So, when submitting images your image files MUST be named in the following manner: last_name_first_name-image_title.jpg as in smith_jill-holiday_joy.jpg. Please also ensure that your files are no more than 5MB in size, that they contain NO watermarks, and are saved in the JPEG format.