Celestial Night Photography & Astrophotography

IC434 | The Horsehead and

Event Details

  • Date:
  • Categories: Field Trips

M42, The Great Nebula of Orion

Join Club board member Jeff Clay as he presents images and information from his journey into the fascinating world of celestial night photography. Jeff will show images and cover such varied types of celestial photography as nightscapes,wide-field Milky Way photography, deepscapes, and star trail photography. But his special focus will be on astrophotography: the capture of heavenly objects with tracking mounts and long lenses and telescopes. Though there will be plenty of pretty pictures, he will also impart technical information to gain a better understanding of how to capture and process various types of celestial night photography. So, even if you are not ready to run out and buy a telescope, this should be a lively, informative and entertaining presentation for everyone.

Please note: Due to rising COVID numbers, the highly infectious nature of Omnicron and its sub-variants, and the presenter’s travel schedule, we have elected to move this to presentation to Zoom. Once you register, you will be emailed the Zoom link. if you do not receive it, please email info@wasatchcameraclub.com.

Images copyright Jeff Clay | Clayhaus Photography